Saturday, May 19, 2018

Business Plan


Hijab or also known as the veil nowadays is not a strange thing anymore. It is visible to women who decide to hood while creative with their headscarf. With the development of this mode, it will also appear a variety of models and types of hijab that can make a woman look more beautiful and attractive. This opportunity is reversed for the hijab of a good hijab that is plain to the pattern.
Hijab or veil has become one of the best-selling search list for women. fashion designers pay more attention to this one fashion model. Thus, the veil has a role to the attraction and personality of a person in the dress. And of course, it can avoid the bad things that harm women. With the growing creation of society against the hijab, bringing out various types and variations. Whatever Type and its kind, the most important thing is not to deviate from the notion of the veil itself, where it works as a cover of aurat.

·        Vision and mission

Making "ISTIQOMAH HIJAB" as an effort to provide various types and motives of the hijab to know all the people know and come in ISTIQOMAH HIJAB.
1. Give priority to quality in service.
2. Oriented to customer satisfaction.
3. Develop innovations both in products and services
4. Develop business in several other strategic places to expand the business or job field.

·        Business Identification

Business Owner: Nur Raihana Zahra
Business Address: JL. Tugu Rt. 1 Rw. 1 Kota Depok
Contact Person: 082136701411
Facebook: istiqomah hijab
Twitter: @Istiqomah hijab
Blogger: http //: Istiqomah

·        Business Scope
The scope of the business we are pioneering is still a beginner business, but this business is very promising because ISTIQOMAH HIJAB  has hijab various types and motifs, has become one of the best-selling search list for women. fashion designers pay more attention to this one fashion model. Thus, the veil has a role to attract one's attractiveness and personality in dress, all of society.
Business Purpose:
1. Applying entrepreneurship skills
2. In order for our business better known and interested others
3. Bring out the talent to do business
4. Make a profit


Target And Market Segmentation :

1.     The area that we targeted is Depok area in Boarding school, the reason we choose in Boarding school because the place to shop for this product is very difficult and the students are not allowed out of the Boarding school environment.
2.     We see a lot of business opportunities on hijab, sarong girls and bross, so we take advantage of this opportunity.

Based on demography, we market in the market of students, and the surrounding community to facilitate us to obtain market information.


Operating costs:
Monthly merchandise                                               = Rp. 3,000,000
Salary of employee 5 person @Rp.1.000.000 x 5    = Rp. 5.000.000
Packaging                                                                  = Rp. 200,000
Depreciation 2 years                                                  = Rp. 154,500
Total Operational Cost                                               = Rp. 8.354.500

Estimated Sales of Hijab Monthly:
Plain Jilbab @Rp. 20.000 x 200pcs           = Rp. 4.000.000
Takedown Hijab @Rp. 25,000 x 150pcs   = Rp. 3.750.000
Tape hijab @Rp. 30.000 x 150pcs             = Rp. 4.500.000
Total Sales per month                                = Rp. 12.250.000


Estimated Profit / Profit:
Sales per month                   = Rp. 12.250.000
Operational Cost                  = Rp. 8.354.500
Total Net Profit per month   = Rp. 3.895.500


-         CEO (Nur Raihana Zahra)
-         General Manager (Ira Rimelfi)
-         Financial Manager (Farhatun Nisaa)
-         Production Manager (Apriliani)
-         Marketing Manager (Echa Hamalta Putri)

Job Description of Chief Executive Officer ( CEO )
CEO can lead  and motivate subordinates to advance employee engagement develop a high performing managerial team. ( modal auxiliaries ). The CEO who made high-quality investing decisions to advance the business and increase profits. ( relative pronoun ).  The CEO build trust relations with key partners, analyze problematic situations, and provide solutions to ensure company survival and growth. ( parallel structure ).

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